Waiting for God’s Best

As a young teenager, I made a commitment to wait for God to bring my future mate. I committed that not only would I keep my body pure for my husband someday, but I would also guard my heart. For me, this meant that my teens and twenties were focused on serving in the local church and other ministries rather than temporary dating relationships.

Waiting was much harder and much longer than I would ever have imagined. I thought that if I did all the right things (kept myself pure, served in ministry), then surely God would reward me with a husband. My heart’s desire was to be a wife, mother, and homemaker. Sometimes I would see God give these blessings to others who had not waited on His timing or not been faithful to serve Him, and I was tempted to feel resentful. God was breaking me of a prideful spirit that thought I could control His blessings by my obedience. I had to learn to walk with God out of true love for Him, not out of expectation of a reward.

I kept waiting. Twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven. People would say things like, “Once you are content being single, then God will bring the right person.” But I found that contentment was a choice, not a feeling. Contentment did not mean that the desire to be with someone went away. Contentment also did not mean that that someone would magically appear.

When I was twenty-nine, a friend introduced me to a man in her church and we began casually dating, often in groups of friends, and talking on the phone every day. I thought that at last this was the one that God had for me. He was a Christian and my parents approved of him; we had some pretty significant differences in our beliefs, but I thought we could work through those. When the relationship reached a turning point, I prayed fervantly that God might work in his heart to see me as his future wife; instead after nearly a year, we broke up, and my heart was broken.

The days following were some of the toughest that I have ever been through, but God poured out His love and grace on my aching heart. Through all the tears, the loneliness, and the unanswered questions, He helped me to turn to Him in deeper dependence than ever. I wondered, “What now?” God planted a little idea in my heart, and I began a specific time of 40 Days of prayer and fasting for my future husband. My best friend (also single and wanting to be married) and I kept each other accountable as we studied and prayed through the books of Ruth and Proverbs. We also fasted from all sugar and a few days we fasted from food entirely. At the end of those 40 days, I felt a new confidence that God was going to answer my prayers for a husband. But I also had grown so much more in love with Christ than ever before!

What I didn’t know was that 300 miles away, God was working in the heart of a young man and causing him to take steps that would enable us to meet. After the 40 days, I continued to pray intensely and fervently for God to either take away my desire to be a wife and mother or to answer it. Though I had been praying for my future husband for many years, I had never felt such clear direction that this was what I needed to pray for as I did then. Once a week I would fast and pray; often I would just pour my heart out to God about this burden.

That spring, Christopher and I met. From the very beginning, I was amazed at how many similarities we had in family background, interests, and beliefs. Never before had I met someone who matched me so well in every area. As we talked, I learned that he, too, had been waiting and praying for God to bring someone to him. He had been lonely and longed for someone just as I had. Over the months that followed it became clear that God had been preparing us over these many years, for each other. Christopher wanted to do things the right way from the beginning. Even though I was thirty-one years old, he still asked my father for permission to date me and later to marry me. During our dating, he gave me a beautiful silver ring from Israel with “I am my beloved’s” inscribed on it in Hebrew. He had bought this a few years earlier in hopes that someday he would meet a girl to give it to; turns out, it fit me perfectly. Most of our relationship was long distance, so we spent a lot of time talking on the phone and sending emails and letters. The distance protected us from physical temptations and allowed us to learn a lot about each other through deep conversations.

When it came time to plan our wedding, my father was out of a job and my parents couldn’t afford to give me the wedding that they wanted. We watched in amazement as God provided. Time after time, the people that Christopher or I had been serving or serving with in ministry turned around and blessed us. It became almost a game, seeing God provide in every little detail. Our wedding weekend was beautiful and perfect and I felt that my Heavenly Bridegroom was smiling down on Christopher and I and blessing our day.

It is wonderful to have saved myself sexually for my husband and to know that he did the same for me. It adds a great level of trust and closeness to our marriage. It is wonderful to have no regrets from the past. Even more, I am thankful that I waited for God’s very best, and that He protected me from making a second-best choice. During the years that I was waiting (and especially during the 40 days) I kept a special journal where I wrote down thoughts and prayers for my future husband. It helped me to remember that I was waiting for someone, not just waiting to wait! Just before our wedding, I gave that journal to Christopher and it meant so much to know that he truly was an answer to each of those things that I had prayed. We enjoy married life so much and have only grown in our love for and understanding of each other. We have a beautiful baby girl, and we often think that she would not be here if we had tried to shortcut God’s plan. During the times that are challenging, we think back over what God has done and it helps us to keep the right perspective and to rely on His faithfulness!

–Mrs. Jennifer Hunt
Ask or Think Ministries

82 thoughts on “Waiting for God’s Best

  1. Annonymous says:

    Thank you so much for writing this. I am a 26 year old woman who has recently turned back to Christ. I was also recently engaged but I have been having doubts that this isn’t God’s best for me. The situation is further complicated by him currently being deployed while I wrestle with the guilt and sorrow that I might have to end this relationship. One of my greatest fears is that by the time I have ended and healed the wounds of this relationship I will be too old to meet someone. I now want to wait until I am married to have physical intimacy and the thought that I’ll never meet a compatible, Christian man who is willing to wait for me won’t leave my mind. I know it is the enemy trying to get me to settle for less than God’s best, but the fear is still there. Your story gives me hope that I have time to get where God needs me to be and that He will provide a partner for me.

    • Ask or Think says:

      My prayers for you, friend, as you walk through these difficult days. These matters of the heart are not easy, but the Lord will give you the strength for each step that He calls you to take. Surround yourself with strong Christian friends (both married & single), uplifting music, and opportunities to help others and to pursue personal interests that perhaps have been on the back burner for a while. These were the things that made the greatest difference to me during days of heartache, loneliness, and despair. And yes, you do have time–when it is the right one and the right time, it is amazing how fast and how beautifully God brings everything together. That doesn’t make the waiting easy–it is some of the hardest obedience you may ever face–but it does make the joy and appreciation that much greater when your prayers are answered. –Jennifer Hunt

  2. Alex says:

    Im 28 yrs and waiting for my future husband. I’ve been keeping myself pure for Christ and my husband aswell. I am know fasting and praying for my future husband for 1week…but will continue till Our Lord shows me whom he is. I anm so blessed to have found this website for aiI truly believe God has guided me here. Thank you for your testimony and for your guidance.

  3. Gail says:

    What a beautiful, beautiful love story, Jennifer! Happy 3 years to you and Christopher!

  4. Jeanna says:

    Your story has brought tears to my eyes. I am also waiting and praying for god to send who has for me. Some things in your story are different from mine. But I also have had my heart broken. It is so hard I still get upset at times. The waiting is the hardest for me I am not a patient person but I feel that God is teaching me patience! Your story has been a blessing to read very encouraging. So happy that God gave you your hearts desires.


  5. Linda says:

    What an encouragement your story is! Thank you for sharing it. I am almost 25 and I am waiting for God’s best. Sometimes it’s discouraging and lonely but God places great people in my life to help encourage me. And He uses things like this to remind me of His goodness. 🙂 Thanks again!

  6. Rachelle says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your story. Much of what you said I can still very much relate to. The waiting is so hard and while I am “doing everything right” it seems like the day will never come. I have been on the HOPE rollercoaster espcialy riding it with huge ups and downs since my mid 20’s. I am now 30 and still hoping I too will be blessed with a husband, and children. I appreciate your story. It gives me yet another reason to remain hopeful and makes me feel like i’m not alone. Congrats on your happy ever after. I cant wait to see mine.

  7. Sharon says:

    What a wonderful God ordained moment you have experienced. Im now 30 and still hopeful that i am to meet my God ordained husband who shares the same love and dedication to serve in Christ ministry. Some days it is hard and it seems as if my patience runs low. I have bumped into men that dont share any desire for Christ as I do, but from their approach i just without hesitation know that they arent Gods best for me and i would remind myself that when I meet my husband I will know he is the one, just as he will know that Im the one. I pray God gives him the guidance to pursue me and I look foward to a future with him where we constantly show our relationship as an honour to give GLORY to God and for all too see Christ work in us. With everyday that passes we are a closer to meeting and lovingly we will begin praying to GOD together daily and lead our children closer to the throne of GOD in their . Im looking foward. Jeremiah 29;11

  8. precious mukoma says:

    Thank you so much um precious and feel so much encouraged I’m 23 and have also turn to christ it hasn’t been easy moving on single and waiting for God’s best because sumtimes u feel like goin back but honestly. Right now I feel encouraged n wana thank for helpin me feel that I shud wait n pray all the time and belive that he wil show up at God’s time

  9. Pam says:

    What an encouragement your story truly is. I am 45 and a lone mother and have been for many many years. I have been thinking about fasting and praying for a Godly husband. After reading your story, I now know that it is exactly what I must do. Over the years, I have wondered why things worked out like this for me but I knew that through this God used my situation to bring me back to Him. Thank you for your story and Congratulations on your marriage. May God bless you and your husand and family. PS 37 v 4

  10. Michele says:

    Hi there,
    It was extremely encouraging to see someone be honest about their struggles while they are waiting on God’s best. Some people only tell the happy ending part and leave out all of the necessary information to help others who are struggling. Thank you for being so honest and REAL about your struggles while you were waiting for God to come through. It has encouraged me greatly as I am waiting for God to bless me with a husband and child!

  11. Tammy says:

    This story was one of the best touching stories I have ever read. Thanks for the encouragement and sharing God’s best with the women who loves God and the journey it took to get his best.

  12. ziyanda bolo says:

    Love this article

  13. Marjorie says:

    This truly blessed me, thank you for sharing.

  14. jamie says:

    Your story is so encouraging! Thank you very much for sharing this wonderful story. Now I know what should I do next and hope I can share mine someday! 🙂

  15. Marilyn says:

    As I was reading your story tears filled my eyes of hope for my future. I was diagnost with a really rare autoammun disease in September 2012 this has been very hard on my life and the loneliness and fear that no man wil ever want me does cross my mind everyday. But as I read your story it gives me a peace of mind as I wait for God to direct my path and lead the right man into my life if it is in Gods plans.

  16. Mary says:

    It is so ironic that God brought me to this story. I am 25 and God spoke to me through the Holy Spirit a couple days before my birthday and he told me that I need to buy a journal and write to my love. It has been almost a month and I am writing nearly everyday just to say hi to him and tell him that he has been thought of. Several of my close friends are getting engaged, starting their families, or getting married and it is so hard to think that I am still waiting, but I know that if I wait the one I waited on will be more than I expected. So thank you for your story and your faith. Its hard when the right man isn’t here yet, but encouraging to see God working in people’s lives.

  17. Lily says:

    My story is similar to yours. Thank you so much for sharing. As a teenager I gave my life to Christ. and made a commitment to wait on God. I have been service in the church whilst waiting. I’m almost 26, and waiting and still believing and keeping the faith. Thank you for the encouragement. Some days the waiting is difficult.

  18. tameika says:

    I am so inspired…I am gOing to do the same thing. Thank u for sharing your amazing story. GOd is awesome!

  19. Anne says:

    I am so inspired by your story.But I wonder during your 40 day fast what prayers did you pray for healing and asking God for his best for you.

    • Jennifer Hunt says:

      I poured out my heart to God–the hurt, frustration, loneliness, etc. Also, I prayed through the books of Ruth and Proverbs, looking for relationship principles and qualities to pray for my future mate.

  20. Gab says:

    I strongly believe I know who my future husband is but he is not ready. He does not know that I know this but have been praying for him. Also, I have been seeking the Lord in this constantly so that I am not misled. I have received lots of confirmation from the Lord and sometimes try not to doubt but believe in the Lord. Is it possible that God can reveal to me who is my future husband and what to pray for concerning him?

    • Jennifer Hunt says:

      Hi, Gab,
      I definitely think it is possible, but would encourage you to “hold all things lightly” when it comes to matters of the heart. It is easy to want something so much that we mistake our own longings for God’s voice. In your situation, I would encourage you to find a Godly, trustworthy woman who will be a prayer partner and offer advice about the relationship in question. The perspective of someone who knows you both can provide invaluable confirmation or cautions in this situation.

  21. Anon says:

    Thank you for sharing: I identified with several parts of your story up to and including the break up bit.
    This has truly encouraged me

  22. Patrice says:

    God is awesome!! Beautiful story – it gives me hope. I am 28 and feel exactly how you once felt.

  23. Sharon Robert says:

    God answers prayers..i am single and waiting for His Best. I am 39 but i believe He can do it! 🙂 Thanks for sharing your story, it is very inspiring.

  24. Mary says:

    God answer prayers thats a beautiful story it encourages me.i am so inspired. trust in God alone and give your self to christ

  25. Annonymous says:

    I’m so jealous of your story and I’ve actually given up waiting. I’ve always prayed about my future marriage and waited until I entered into relationship for the first time with a prisoner. The relationship lasted for more than a year. I broke up with him because I feel like if we can’t be together, it must not be GOD’S time which makes it wrong for us to stay committed. As of this time, I still love him and I have this resentment towards GOD which I constantly try to battle. I can’t understand why a lot of my friends and people I know are blessed with wonderful marriages even though they did not wait or even kept themselves pure until marriage. It hurts me that I ended up loving a prisoner and though he’s a good Christian, still there’s no clear assurance of a future with him. My Parents and friends think he is not a good match for me because he is sick, in prison, uneducated and comes from a broken family.. sometimes, I also think so. I can’t hardly believe he is GOD’s best for me. Yet I feel condemned and guilty for thinking such thoughts about him. As of this moment, I just gave up. And reading your story makes me all the more jealous… maybe just this time because I’m feeling down. I just hope I can trust GOD more. I pray that HE completes me and that I would love HIM more than anything else. I pray for release from all my resentment and pride. May GOD forgive me for my weaknesses. GOD bless you. Thank You for your faithfulness to GOD and dedication to remain faithful to HIM despite the challenges. GOD bless you.

    • Theresa says:

      Aww I am sorry to hear this hun. I pray that God gives you peace through your situation and really helps you to guard your heart and gives you a clear direction in this. Don’t give up hun, God will come through – His word never comes back void.
      I am also waiting for my Boaz and I reallllllly understand how frustrating it can be especially when it seems like everyone else around you is just being blessed!!! I will stand with you on this that you will be healed of your heartache and see great breakthrough in this area in Jesus’ Mighty name x

    • tayelove says:

      Aww I am sorry to hear this hun. I pray that God gives you peace through your situation and really helps you to guard your heart and gives you a clear direction in this. Don’t give up hun, God will come through – His word never comes back void.
      I am also waiting for my Boaz and I reallllllly understand how frustrating it can be especially when it seems like everyone else around you is just being blessed!!! I will stand with you on this that you will be healed of your heartache and see great breakthrough in this area in Jesus’ Mighty name x

  26. Daniela says:

    That’s indeed a lovely story Jennifer, and I’m happy that you met the right man. I’m 41 years old and I’ve been waiting for almost 20 years now for God to send me a husband I can serve Him together with. It hasn’t been an easy road indeed, and these days doubts have been creeping in again in my mind. Will the Lord ever provide me with my other half? I have been fasting over lunch every Monday for the last few years, and I’m determined not to give up asking the Lord for my hear’s desire. I know that He is able, it’s just very hard sometimes to experience one crushed hope after another…

  27. Rebecca says:

    Thank your testimony for waiting future husband.
    Thank GOD to guide me to here.
    Absolutely, that road was not easy when waiting time.

    But our GOD is faithful GOD, He knew all of HIS single children’s need.
    Let be just keep waiting with Hope and still have faith in GOD.

  28. jenifer says:

    hi jen.. I’m 22, no boyfriend since .. thank you so much for sharing your story. sometimes I wonder if I am unattractive..I’m still waiting. I keep on praying to God that He will send me my Mr. Right..It’s a relieve that I’ve your message..

  29. jenifer says:

    really. I need someone to talk to.. someone would understand my frustrations in life. because my friends are busy in their work. ..advice me please… 😦

  30. Dorothy says:

    Thank you for your encouraging words. Although I have not saved myself for my husband. I have committed my life to celibacy since becoming saved. I am 28 and I have had times of great lonliness. I have not dated in 2 years and your story has really encouraged me! I can not wait to experience companionship aligned with the will of God.

  31. Seyi says:

    Hi Jennifer,

    Thank you for sharing your story with us, especially as it is very uplifting and gives hope for people who are in the same situation.
    I just wanted to ask you a question regarding the 40 days of fasting both you and your friend did: How come you fasted all sugar? Was it something personal to you, or is there a more general meaning it? Also, when you say you fasted all sugar, did you also fast products that contained sugar, i.e. processed food, such as bread, cereal, cakes and also fruit?
    Did you have allocated days in which you fasted food entirely?

    I thank you in advance for answering my question!!

    Kind regards,


  32. Philani says:

    thank for sharing Jennifer, this was just what i needed. i am currently seeing some1 we are in distant relationship. but our communication is bad just when i thought this might be good for as we won’t have to stress about sexual temptations, he barely calls me when we chatting online he’s very selective of which messagets to rrespond and which not to respond to. and I’ve told about this a number of times and he would apologise. when we talk on the phone it’s like I’m talking to e different person than when we chatting.

  33. Patriica says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your story. It’s truly lovely, God does have a sense of romance! I really like the fact that your future husband in an act of faith bought the right and it fit you! God’s ways are truly not ours.
    I’ve been praying and praying for hat seems lik ages and waiting on God for a husband. I came to Christ when I was already 30 and my life before that wasn’t honoring to God. And thanks for his mercy and love and that in Hom old things have passed away and we are new creations.

    In an act of faith, I bought a card that I will give to my future husband on the day of the wedding. And I like your idea of the journal. I think I will borrow it. I’ve been trying to get myself busy serving God and keeping my eyes on Him and not worry about my age.

    Thanks for your lovely story and praise God that He has been so faithful to you and your husband – and now your little princess.

  34. Anonymous says:

    God bless you for such a wonderful post, I am sooooo encouraged by it. waiting is not easy, but I know deep down in my heart it will be worth it. I have waited and i am still waiting, I have been having a very difficult time of it of late, the devil presenting all manner of “second best” to me, but I know very well the peril of marrying outside of the will of God from so many friends and family members, that I cannot allow that in my life. It is encouraging to read such a post from another woman who has been through the path herself and to whom God was faithful. Thank God for your life 🙂

  35. Rebekah McCabn says:

    Wow, this touched my heart in such a big way I hav3 tears coming down my face. I am 27 and have a very big seed planted in my heart that I will marry a very strong Christian man who is either in full time ministry or is 50/50 (depending if he has a corporate job) in the ministry. I have this vision of a man who is so Godly, true, devoted and so in love with Christ and being focused on HIM and his relationship that my future husband will not pursue other woman or casual date women but instead save himself for me and will be sent on a journey to come find me. Holding onto this vision is becoming so difficult. My desire to be a wife and mother goes stronger and deeper everyday. Sometimes it is so strong I feel as though I might burst. Then I came to your site and it spoke to me. I was wondering if you can go more in depth about your 40 days of fasting. I have not fasted before but would love to know more about your journey and hope you can be a sister in Christ to keep me encouraged 🙂

  36. Ree says:

    This is really encouraging. I am 22years of age, i had made a decision that i would save myself for my husband, but just when i was 21years of age, i departed from the ways of the Lord and eventually i broke my promise to God. My relationship with the guys lasted for about 6months,,,However, as curious as i was about the whole sexual act, i always felt it was a sinful act whenever i had to engage in it. So i broke up with the guy coz i could not go on anymore and i have been keeping myself for a year now. I don’t regret breaking my virginity because there are a lot of things i learnt throughout the whole experience but still and based on all those experiences, i have decided i am going to wait upon the Lord and i believe i will also meet my husband. I’m believing God to be engaged at the age of 25 and married at the age of 26. God bless you in your marriage and once more, thank you for sharing such a wonderful story.

  37. bethanyey says:

    Thank you for the encouragement.

  38. hannahstover says:

    Thank you so much for sharing this! It encouraged me in my waiting for God’s best!

  39. peachmango says:

    Thank God for this timely word..It has encouraged me to get to that place where God’s need me.

  40. Leera says:

    Hi Rebecca,
    This is such a practical story and uplifting too. I can relate 100%. I have kept myself so much in my early ages since high school, always prayed to be a faithful servant and I have served the Lord diligently, involved in church. I have been praying for my future husband ever since I can remember. I have prayed, fasted, declared, prophesied, believed, has people interceding for me and even now as I type this I am still waiting. I have turned 28 years 3 months ago, all my friends are getting married or have life partners and I am still single, some days I feel why Lord wait for so long after containing myself in honour of your word?. I often hear people saying such a young beautiful woman like u is single? how come? some guy once even said ” its like beauty wasted” to think I take of myself not only spiritually but also physically. anyways point is I feel the woman that wrote about dating a prisoner it is often likely we give up and divert but I say to her,, Psalms 139:8-10 God is there, even when you lay your bed hell.. He is even there” so you not alone restoration shall come,

    With all my hard work of prayer, dedication, fasting etc. I have learnt that it is all by His grace and mercy that He blesses whom He chooses at His time. So I am relying on the grace. Thank you for the encouragement and happy marriage:-)

  41. Deondria says:

    Thank you for writing this beautiful story. Eventhough I am a college student, 21 years of age, I am too waiting on my husband. In my past, I messed up by fornicating with my ex boyfriend for 5 years and missing out on my blessings. He has put me through so much. He wasn’t into Christ but I was very curious about it and now it is in my head that he’s not the one for me… I am so curious about meeting my husband. I had my share of men but I just want to save myself for my husband. My fear is loneliness.

  42. Claire says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your story. Im soon to be 36 and still single. I have been praying that the Lord would bring me someone. Today during my quiet time, i thought of fasting. I did meet a Christian man this past year and i thought he was the one but he ended things due to his health concerns. Im hurting but need to trust the Lord. Im going to start a prayer journal and commit 30 days to fasting and praying.

  43. Teresa says:

    Thank you not only for your story, but I call it a testimony. God is able to keep you and bless you in His timing. I am a woman in my forties and I believe I know who my husband is and the man of God is still in a place of uncertainty. I am yet holding on to God and His Word. One thing I do know is that I am open to what God wants to do in my life. I am tired and I grow a bit weary at times, but I will wait on God and His timing. Many people do not know the pain that I feel and the nights that weep, but my hope is yet in God. God will do what He said and I am reminded always that it is not my promise, but it is God’s promise to me. I am committed to the Lord and I will not compromise. This is painful journey that will end with God getting ALL THE GLORY. God bless you and keep you and your family. I am looking forward to telling my love story to the world.

  44. ann says:

    sometimes it seems to return back to god as i give up on him. i pray for a husband for so long but give up. i am in my fortes now.and still single . will i ever get someone to get old with. please advice what to do

  45. Joe says:

    how did you meet your husband?

  46. Adelaide says:

    I’m so inspired and now I have faith that God will do it for me

  47. Eve says:

    Thanks so much for sharing your story!! I am a 26 year old girl who has recently been dumped by someone I was sure was the ”one” and I have been going back and forth, trying to get him back in my life but now after reading your story I am going to pray and fast, not so he can come back in my life (like I have done before) but so I can be okay without him as I wait for God’s best.

  48. Therese says:

    Thank you for this. You see, I’ve just recently gotten out of an ungodly relationship. We were both christians but God was not the center of our relationship. We did not keep ourselves pure. We planned to get married but in the end our disobedience kept us apart. I was really having a hard time dealing with the fact that barely two months after our relationship he has already moved on. I began to question whether I will be able to move on from everything but reading your story made me realize that God, as I am writing this, is already working in my life and preparing my future. There is restoration and peace in God’s arms. He is waiting for me to come back. I just need to trust Him.

  49. mary says:

    hello your story is so inspiring and has strengthened my hope.I know God has a perfect plan for us all and my testimony too is nigh.

  50. Bisi says:

    I am so inspired beyond words. WOW. The patience is real. I am a 25 years old. Everyday I look towards Heaven for Gods chosen to come my way. I know he will do it. Amen.

  51. Akuchy says:

    Hi. Thank you so much for this. You have no idea on how you have encouraged me. I am almost 18 and I know I am still young. God had asked me to give Him the key to my heart and let Him choose the one I should date. By God’s grace, I know the first man I will date will be the one He gives the key to And that will be my husband. It can be discouraging when no one else shares the same view with you. I recently started writing to, praying and fasting for my future husband too. I know it is going to be a long wait And from your testimony, I know God will come keep me. Thanks a lot and all the best!

  52. cy says:

    I’ve been in a relationship with my christian boyfriend for more than 3 years. I thought He is the one i could be with in the mission field. We planned our life together in the mission but to my disappointment, he broke up with me because he dont love me anymore because of many differences. I dont know if what should i pray for God, should i pray for him to love me back? Or to pepare my God’s best? My ex boyfriend has been good to me and im afraid that no one will love me just like the way he cared for me.

  53. Sharon Robert says:

    Hi there, Wonderful testimony!
    How did you both meet?
    I am single 41 years old and am still waiting. I believe my future mate doesn’t appear magically…so if i may ask..How did you both meet?

  54. rik says:

    I’m inspired by how your life turn out to be. yes Gods plan is greater than what we think. He covers it all. I pray for my partner too everyday. He loves us so much that he wants us to bless us with the right person and He already knows what’s ahead of us. He exist beyond the time. All glory to Jesus Amen

  55. tracy says:

    am 21 ur testimony has touched my heart i hv had a share of trouble with men bt am amazed how how God is teaching me His ways and renewing me a fresh

  56. Irene says:

    Quite encouraging. Can’t wait for mine

  57. Anonymous says:

    Brought me to tears.for me I just wanted a good life and ended up in a failed marriage.At 36 and divorced,I long for companionship and family.I want a happy home with my husbands and kids filled with God’s love.Sometimes I want to give up believing but I guess you just find yourself holding on to this tiny thread of hope.Thanks for sharing.God bless your home

  58. Alicia says:

    Thank you so much for writing this. Praise the lord!!! I needed this and I will be doing the same praying and fasting. I like how you said both you and your husband saved yourself for marriage! That’s amazing. I’ll be 35 and I’m still a virgin and I pray my husband will be as well!! Again thank you, this really blessed me! Alicia

  59. debraeojay says:

    Beautiful , very relatable. Thank you for being transparent and honest. God shall continue to bless your union xx

  60. D says:

    Wow so many people are in the same boat as me.what words can I write to add to the many words that describes my position ?I’m a 35 year old male, whom god has cleansed slowly since salvation. Have been waiting since 20.. even 19. The desire is there in full force for the one he has made for me:) and the loneliness long.and even other Christians look at me and treat me like I’m kuku for waiting on my father.feels like I’m the only one.but I know tonight I’m not.(ive lost count of the INCREDIBLY attractive women I’ve knocked back year after year- one even turned out to be a witch who made a brother’s life very unhappy and continues to) my list is simple 1.is she a deeply yhvh loving woman? 2.father is she the one?.
    I see the pattern that the one will be everything I’ve wanted and more and vice versa.thanks for the encouragement.
    D. Australia.

  61. Tiff says:

    Wow! Your story is almost word for word what I am going through! I have been saving myself for my husband and have not truly dated anyone (I’m 26 BTW). As of late, it has been so hard to stay focused on God while not worrying about not having a boyfriend, let alone a husband. I thought by staying pure and staying in church would ensure God will bless me with a husband. I now understand that’t not how it works. I have been feeling even more sad because people I know that aren’t or haven’t lived right are being blessed with husbands and starting their families. But I must NOT get weary in well doing. I pray God grants me more patience and faith as he continues to mold me into the person he wants me to be as well as mold my future hubby.

  62. Kaitlin says:

    I am 22 (23 in December) and I am still a student. Just start it school and I like what I am doing. This is a great inspiring message that you share. For your message, This is mostly the best one that I have read. Great story on how you met Christopher and I love that he did the same commitment has well. Keep himself fresh and pure for you. I also love the fact that he did not sleep with anyone else but you. I am hoping that my future husband did the same thing. I said to God during my teens has well that I will wait and that I will not sleep with anyone but my future husband. My mom got marry when she was my age, but I do not know if my dad was the one for her. She wasn’t a Christian. But since of that, God work thru their marriage life and it is a good one. But because of that, she is encouraging me to wait. I talk to her asking stuff like when can it be sign and other stuff. She even did fasting to allow God to answer our prays. Some people told that I will not keep myself pure until I meet that guy, but on God on my side, it will not be that hard. Did you also go to school while waiting for him?

  63. Jojo says:

    I really needed to read this. I’m so glad that’s it’s not just me. My desire of my heart is to be a wife and a mother. I’m 33 and I’ve been praying for this for the last 12 years. I’ve watched all my friends meet their partners and have children. I’m extremely happy for them but at the same time it highlight my loneliness. I’ve never had a boyfriend and that desire to share my life with someone is so strong. I don’t feel ashamed knowing that you prayed the same prayer of removing the desire. I know God is perparing my husband, I pray this is manifested soon x

  64. Telicia says:

    Your story just gave me some hope, I’m doing the same thing you done about not having sex until God sends me my husband. Thank you for being transparent

  65. theodora says:

    I am so inspired by your story it made me realised God hears our prayers and he is God of timing and his things are perfect. I thought I was alone in this and that there was something wrong with me but now I know God will answer my prayers and give me the best. God bless you

  66. shaneatha says:

    What a beautiful testimony

  67. Anita Johnson says:

    Praise God for your husband. I’m fasting and praying for me a Godly husband that’s my heart desire to be married.

  68. Natalie says:

    Thank you for sharing your story!! I am a 29 year old woman struggling with being single. I know there is someone out there for me but I have a really hard time waiting. I am the type of person that if anyone shows me a little interest I get excited, even if it is the wrong person for me. I need to learn to trust God and know that his timing is right.

  69. Jhey says:

    This is such an inspiration since the situation is very common for the young adult ladies:) God has perpect timing. Never early never late. It takes a lot of patience and it takes a lot of faith but its worth the wait;)

  70. paletta says:

    I too am waiting on god to bring my soul mate to me. Waiting is a promise to God that your trust is wholeheartedly and faith. “full”….. He is working miracles kn my life as i write this testimony to the world. I Believe. Forever faithfull. Paletta Lee

  71. Sara says:

    God bless you all!!!!!!!☕☕☕☕🍶☕

  72. Esther says:

    Thankyou for sharing. I’m in the season of waiting I have prayed and prayed and prayed but nothing yet.I even decided to just live a holy and pure life and cut off any men I have in my life and just wait but nothing yet. Like you I see Hod blessing those who are not even faithful to him as I am. Deep down I know He shall come through but it is not easy I have fasted sometimes but God seems silent. I grow weary at times but I’m still hanging in there. Please pray with me

  73. Vivian says:

    this really is encouraging. its very frustrating to keep oneself and trust God. When you see nothing happening and things just getting longer. But I Will wait.

  74. Iwa Lee says:

    Thankful for this could not have come at the best time. I am a 37 years young woman, never married and not the best luck with men. I have always had faith in God, but this year I learned about fasting. I have fasted about other situations this year but the thought recently occurred to me to fast for a husband. Your love story is beautiful.

    I realize I need to pray about what I am feeling. I have been keeping these feelings to myself. I think it’s time me and the Father had a talk, I was recently in love for 2 years but in the end it didn’t work out. I am going to fast and pray about this. I pray that God answers my prayers.

  75. Benda says:

    Thank u so much for the encouragement. I am 30 years and have never had any relationship with any man and pray and believe that God has a right partner for me. It is not so easy to wait but No matter how long it takes, true love is always worth the Wait.

  76. Jennifer Lowe says:

    This was really encouraging! Thank you very much

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